Hi friends! I’m looking for a little input.

I’ve been holed up, working on my book Control Girl. I’m so excited about all the things God is showing me, but as my wordcount climbs, there is one chapter that needs to be CHOPPED!

I’d like you to help me choose which one.

I have three chapters yet to write, and I would love to study each of these Control Girls! But only two will make it into the book. Here are the three options, listed in chronological order.

 Miriam: I Could do a Better Job than Him
From her small beginning as a slave girl to the day she led the dance on the Red Sea banks, God gifted and positioned Miriam to serve him. But like many gifted women in leadership, she felt slighted and overlooked. Using the powerful weapon of words, she tried to undermine her baby brother, but God used her skin—the very thing she had criticized about Moses’ wife—to remind her that freedom only comes from following His lead.
  • Delilah: I’ve Got the Power
Samson thought that the only way to be powerful was with muscles, but Delilah knew differently. Using her body and words, she pressed Samson to his breaking point, proving that she was stronger—but only because the true source of Samson’s strength had left him. Delilah is the perfect contrast to the godly wife who resourcefully uses the power of her body and words to do her husband good, not harm, all the days of his life.
  • Naomi: When Dreams Die
Naomi lost everything—her husband, her sons, and any sense of control over her future. In deep anxiety and desperation, she returned to her forsaken land with the daughter-in-law who refused to forsake her. Through beautiful, ripening providence, God demonstrated that he does not leave us empty-handed, but redeems our pasts, restores our dreams, and fills our laps with hope.

So, which of these sounds most interesting? Which would you most like to study? Which one most correlates with your life? Which chapter would be most equip you for handling your own life struggles? Which do you think a friend would really enjoy? Which do you think you most need to study?

Now, which one didn’t you name, just now? She’s the one that should be chopped. Don’t worry–each of these gals has gotten a lot of press. She won’t be offended… because she’s not a Control Girl anymore!

Please feel free to put your ‘chop choice’ in a comment here, or on facebook. Or email me at shanpopkin@gmail.com. Text is 616-450-1528.

Thanks so much for your help!

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