Shannon Popkin podcast


Hi, I’m Shannon Popkin, host of the Live Like It’s True Bible Podcast, where my guests and I talk through some of the most interesting and astonishing stories of the Bible, and invite you to know the story, share the story, and live like it’s true.

Live Like It’s True is part of the Resound Media Network

About the Podcast

Do you want to live like it’s true?

We’re all telling a story with our lives; we’re not all telling the true story. This podcast is designed to help you know the story, share the story, and live the story. If we haven’t met, I’m Shannon Popkin. Whether from the platform, the page, or the podcast mic, I’m inviting you to open your Bible with me, drink in the Story, and live like it’s true. 

Live Like It's True with Bible

Know the Story

During each episode, my guest and I will talk through one of the most outlandish, jaw-dropping stories of the Bible. We’ll do a deep dive, and consider why this is a story worth telling, and think through some of the story elements (such as surprise, tension, irony, and character development).


Share the Story

God could have revealed himself in textbook fashion, with lists of his attributes and facts. Instead, he gave us a thick book with lots of stories. Each one is like a velvet pouch, which bundles up certain gems of God’s character for safekeeping. And the stories become more deeply ingrained in our hearts when we rehearse and share them with others.

On Live Like It’s True, we talk often about how to approach the stories of the Bible, and how to give them away!


Live the Story

It’s one thing to know the story; it’s another thing to live like the story is true. This podcast is meant to help shrink the gap between what you say you believe and how you live. As we rehearse the true stories individually, and the overarching story of the Bible, we’ll discover how the one True Story corrects the false narratives of the world.

Popular Episodes

Free Resource

Everyone is living according to the story they believe. Are you living the true story? My false narrative watchlist will help you reject the lies, embrace the truth, and live like the true story is true!


How long are the episodes?

Between 30 and 45 minutes.

Who is this podcast for?

If you love the Bible, and want to live like it’s true, this podcast is for you! I imagine most listeners will be women, but guys are welcome, too!

When will episodes release?

Wednesday morning, the True Story episode (with guests) will release. Retelling episodes release on Saturday. (Not all episodes have a Retelling Episode.) 

What are the aims of this podcast?

My hope is that that you’ll be inspired to better know the Story, share the Story, and live the Story. 

How can I listen?

You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and more. Find the full set of options here. (And please let us know if you see one missing!)


Who are some of your guests?

I’ve been so honored to welcome Nancy Guthrie, Courtney Doctor, Mary Kassian, Erin Davis, Kelly Needham, and more. Each guest is a gifted Bible teacher, and loves the truth of God’s Word!

What makes this podcast unique?

Each episode focuses on an astonishing, true story of the Bible, and what makes it surprising (both then and now). The style is conversational; not preachy but not shallow, either. Our quest is to treasure up the stories, and live like they’re true.

What’s the theme for season four?

Fall of ’22, we’re looking at the True Story of The Beginning. We’ll take several months to explore parts of our Origin Story, found in Genesis 1-3. After that, I’ll be taking a break to work on my next two books. 

Season 10: Stand Alone Episodes

This season, we’re hosting a variety of Bible teachers and experts. In each conversation, I’m inviting my guest to select a story from the Bible that they love and have studied deeply.

Season 9: Stand Alone Episodes

This season, we’re hosting a variety of Bible teachers and experts. In each conversation, I’m inviting my guest to select a story from the Bible that they love and have studied deeply.

Season 8: The Sarah Series

Season 7: The Comparison Series

Season 6: J-Term: Stand Alone Episodes

When You Are Weak and He is Strong {Emily Jensen}

What is your weakness, and what does God think about it? Join Emily Jensen and me for a conversation about ineloquent Moses and his assignment from God that felt impossible. Learn how to live like it's true that your weakness isn't a problem for...

When You Are Weak and He is Strong {Emily Jensen}

What is your weakness, and what does God think about it? Join Emily Jensen and me for a conversation about ineloquent Moses and his assignment from God that felt impossible. Learn how to live like it's true that your weakness isn't a problem for...

Season 5: Stand Alone Episodes

Season 4: True Story of the Beginning

Welcome to Season 4: The True Story of the Beginning

Why do the weeds grow and the flowers die? Why is there cancer, and divorce, and death? And why, even when my life is so full, do I feel so empty? The answers to these questions are found, not in some lengthy discourse, but in a relatively short...

Desire to Control My Husband - Kelly Needham

How to Bear God’s Image by Gender {Kelly Needham}

Is gender a social construct? And what does it mean to bear God's image? And how are the two related? The earliest pages of our Bible begin to answer these questions, as we watch our origin story unfold in Genesis 1-3. I'm so thankful to have my...

Hiding In The Garden - Nicole Furno

The Truth About Hiding and Shame {Nicole Furno}

Have you ever tried to hide your sin from God? Have you withdrawn from Him in shame—afraid of his anger over what you've done? Or maybe you've convinced yourself that your sin isn't all that bad. That there's nothing to be ashamed of. The story...

Season 3: Summer Stand Alone Episodes

Want to win this Summer Giveaway?

Have you been following along this summer, on the Live Like it's True podcast? Want to win this bundle of amazing gifts, from our guests? Included are: Pathway to Peace by Ann Swindell. Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World by...

Want to win this Summer Giveaway?

Have you been following along this summer, on the Live Like it's True podcast? Want to win this bundle of amazing gifts, from our guests? Included are: Pathway to Peace by Ann Swindell. Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World by...

Easter Series

Season 1: The True Stories of Jesus

Welcome to the Live Like It’s True {Bible Podcast}

Welcome! Live Like It's True is devoted to helping you know the story, share the story, and live the story! Listen to the trailer for more:  Welcome! I'm so excited to share this podcast with you!  Live Like It's True is devoted to helping you...

The Truth About Your Thirstiness for More {Mary DeMuth}

What are you constantly thirsty for? What’s the habit or person or behavior you’ve returned to repeatedly—always dipping your bucket and yet coming up dry? And what difference should it make that Jesus has offered you his living water? On Season...

Welcome to the Live Like It’s True {Bible Podcast}

Welcome! Live Like It's True is devoted to helping you know the story, share the story, and live the story! Listen to the trailer for more:  Welcome! I'm so excited to share this podcast with you!  Live Like It's True is devoted to helping you...

The Truth About Your Thirstiness for More {Mary DeMuth}

What are you constantly thirsty for? What’s the habit or person or behavior you’ve returned to repeatedly—always dipping your bucket and yet coming up dry? And what difference should it make that Jesus has offered you his living water? On Season...

How to Stir Souls in a Post-Christian World

How can you stir up curiosity in someone who thinks the story of Jesus is irrelevant to their lives—especially at Christmas time? We're welcoming Darin and Joy Stevens, who live in the UK, where it's not that people are against God; they just...

Get your free
False Narrative Watchlist!


Do you live like the true story is true? 

This resource helps you reject the lies,

and live like the story of the Bible is true!

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