by Shannon Popkin | Dec 4, 2024 | Podcast 9 Stand Alone
What are you trying to control? How is it affecting your relationships with people and with God? Kristi Huseby joins me on the Live Like It’s True podcast to talk about the story of the Mary and the angel. We’ll consider Mary’s great risk as she...
by Shannon Popkin | Feb 17, 2023 | Control Girl, Marriage
When your husband agrees with you, there’s no need to submit, right? But what about when he sees differently than you do? When you totally disagree on how to proceed. Is that when wives are supposed to submit to their husbands? What is the definition of...
by Shannon Popkin | May 31, 2014 | Dating
Thanks to Wendy Widder and Kregel Publications for including me in the blog tour for Wendy’s newly re-released book—Living Whole without a Better Half.I will be giving away several FREE books (ebooks and hard copy). To enter your name in the drawing (to keep or give...