Lead That Small Group!


Your plan for gathering your women, starting strong, and leading well.

Whether you’re just starting out as a small group leader, or still feeling “new”, this three-session online course will help you overcome obstacles and gain confidence, as you step out to follow Jesus and lead that group.

This course will be video based (not interactive).

Session 1: Gather Your Women

Whether you’re stepping out for the first time, or hitting reset, I’ll share the things you need to consider and examples on how to gather your new small group – plus tips and actual tools to help you get started. You’ll exit this session with a plan and a purpose, as you begin gathering the women who will form your group.

Session 2: Start Strong

Your first meeting is so important! We’ll talk through how to get organized, ask for a commitment, and communicate the plan. You’ll leave this session with a definition and plan for success as you anticipate your first week (not just the first meeting!) of group.

Session 3: Lead Well

We’ll talk about the most common challenges that small group leaders face, and you’ll identify which struggles you might be prone to as a leader. You’ll leave this session with strategies for avoiding pitfalls and leading your women well, even when things don’t go perfectly.

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Whether you’re just starting out as a small group leader, or still feeling “new”, this three-session online course will help you gather your group, give it a strong start, and lead well as challenges arise.

After you check out, watch for the email with the “Start Here” download. This will have your links and printable worksheets.

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