by Shannon Popkin | Nov 2, 2022 | Control Girl, Disagreement, Humility, Podcast 4, Popular Podcast Episodes, Roles, Submission
Do you ever struggle with control? And do you sometimes feel like taking control is noble and right? Do you think, “If I don’t do something here, the whole world is going to come unhinged!” If that’s you, I can totally relate. But I can also...
by Shannon Popkin | Oct 5, 2022 | Gender and Sexuality, Marriage, Podcast 4, Popular Podcast Episodes, Submission, Women
When the world started asking how marriage should be defined, where did you look for answers? The story of the first man and wife in Genesis 2 is rich and revealing, filled with significant details—which help us not only understand marriage between man and wife, but...
by Shannon Popkin | Sep 21, 2022 | Beauty, Comparison, Generosity, Podcast 4
Do you ever think of God as stingy? Do you focus on the things that He hasn’t given you? The opening scene of Genesis shows us a different view of God. As we see the waters teaming with life and the birds filling the sky and plants popping up everywhere from the...
by Shannon Popkin | Sep 14, 2022 | Differences, Enemy, Gender and Sexuality, Parenting, Podcast 4, Popular Podcast Episodes
Is gender a social construct? And what does it mean to bear God’s image? And how are the two related? The earliest pages of our Bible begin to answer these questions, as we watch our origin story unfold in Genesis 1-3. I’m so thankful to have my friend...
by Shannon Popkin | Mar 15, 2022 | Ministry, Uncategorized, Women
Meg is twenty-six and has gone to church all her life. She loves Jesus and lives with her boyfriend. She also serves in children’s ministry at her church and attends a women’s small group Bible study. Meg knows that the Bible has some things to say about...
by Shannon Popkin | Mar 14, 2022 | Ministry, Uncategorized, Women
How are the chairs arranged, when discipleship happens in your women’s ministry? Are the chairs arranged in Rows, facing a teacher at the front? Are the chairs gathered in Circles, where small groups of women gather? Or is there a single Chair, where a woman...