It’s Yellow Ball Monday and Chris Brauns has the ball:

A number of years ago, my wife and I talked at dinner with our four young children, about whether or not we ought to let angels camp on our deck.  
I ought to explain that one.  Our kids knew that the Bible says that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear God.  And, that God commands his angels concerning His people.  So, at dinner we pictured what that all looks like.  
Do angels have to punch in when they are on duty?  Do angels talk with each other about who is assigned to our family? 
You might roll your eyes at such talk, but our children were young and we prayed they would absorb the reality that angels truly do watch over them. We wanted them to know that one way or another, angels encamp around us. 
But, there was a problem with our angel picture. At that time was that we had moved into a house that needed a new yard.  We were surrounded by mud. The kids wondered if angels would consider that ideal camping.  One daughter thought maybe that we could grant them permission to camp out on the deck.  
As the theologian in the family, I reminded the kids that angels get their marching orders from God and not from us.  The deck was all theirs if God so chose.

Be encouraged.  If you know Christ, then God commands His angels concerning you.  Psalm 34:7 says that the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him.  If you know Christ, angels pitch their tents in your yard.  Or, in the words of Psalm 91, God will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. . . . a thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

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Thanks to Chris Brauns, who blogs at A Brick in The Valley, for contributing. I first met Chris, back when he was tossing the yellow ball to the counselors–I, being the one who hogged it the most–at Camp Calvary. Chris has been such an encouragement to me, both as a pastor and as a friend. I’m not sure I would have begun writing, if it hadn’t been for Chris’s encouragement, and I’m positive I wouldn’t have ventured into archery instruction. 

Chris is the author of two books, Unpacking Forgiveness, published by Crossway, and When the Word Leads Your Pastoral Search, published by Moody. He is currently working on his third book, to be published in 2012. Chris is a pastor, popular speaker, and husband to my good friend, Jamie. They are raising four fantastic kids in Stillman Valley, IL. 

If you’re interested in sending a story for another Yellow Ball Monday, check out more info here.

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