Hi friends. Thanks so much for keeping up with me, here on my blog! It’s been an exciting year. Though I may have done fewer updates here on my site, I’ve been busy with…

  • Speaking! I had the opportunity to speak at 20 different events, retreats, conferences, and groups in 2016!! I shared truth, made new friends, and learned so much. I’m thankful for each opportunity God allowed. (For more information on my speaking ministry, go here.)
  • Blogging! I am so blessed to be a regular contributer for TrueWoman.com. I can’t think of a better place to connect with like-minded readers, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be part of this amazing writing team. I also enjoyed writing for the Dove Parenting Blog (which I’ve currently stepped back from, due to time restraints).
    Our oldest daughter, Lindsay, graduated from high school and just completed her first semester at Liberty University. We’re so happy for her and proud of all of her accomplishments! We wouldn’t want it any way, but this beautiful girl has left a big, gaping hole in our home. We’re soaking up the time she has left home over Christmas break.


I’m sure you’ll believe me when I say 2016 has been a full year for our family! I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities God has given me to serve Him at home, in my church and community, and through my writing and speaking ministry. (If you’re interested in receiving my once-in-a-while updates, sign up here!)

As promised, here are my Top 5 Posts from 2016. Thanks so much for reading!

5. I’m a Hypocrite

“We’re such hypocrites,” my son told my husband quietly.

He said ‘we’, but he was really talking about me.

Earlier that evening, when the kids were swimming in the pool, I walked into the laundry room and said, “Grrrrr!!!! There is water all over in here! Who dripped all over the floor?”

Turns out, it was my son’s friend… (Read the rest here.)

4. The College Goodbyes I Wasn’t Ready For

The College GoodbyesI Wasn't Ready For
In some ways, I’ve been preparing for her to go to college for years. So why did I feel so unprepared? For instance…

…I wasn’t ready, on move-in day, to wake up with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

…I wasn’t ready for the stress rising in me because all of the emails about orientation had gone to her, which meant I had to rely on her for information (which doesn’t feel natural to me).

…I wasn’t ready, as she walked the sidewalk leading to the freshmen cookout, to drive past and see the brief look of apprehension flicker across her face. I wasn’t ready for how this would affect me, or the emotion it would invoke. (Read the rest here.)

3. When He and I See it Differently

My husband was nice enough to take our sixth grader shopping for running shoes recently. But the shoes they came home with were not shoes I would have bought….

“I’m taking them back,” I said. (Read the rest here.)

2. Trouble, We’ve Been Expecting You

Hello, Trouble. We were expecting you. Come right in and make yourself at home. Will you be staying awhile? We thought so.

We’ve heard a lot about you. We’ve seen you visit our friends’ homes. To be honest, we’ve been dreading your arrival for a while now… (Read the rest here.)

1. When Jesus Sends You Into a Storm

When my son was ten, he was diagnosed with a rare skin disease, literally an hour before we left on vacation. That morning he had pulled up his basketball shorts to show me the sores on his legs, which he hadn’t thought to mention earlier. But now they were hurting enough to keep him from playing soccer with the neighbors and big enough to cause my jaw to drop.

I rushed him to an urgent care facility… (Read the rest here.)

Thanks so much for reading, for your support,  and for prayers! Thanks for letting me speak into your life, during 2016. May the Lord give you deep, settled hope, as you face 2017 with a confident smile on your face, knowing that He is in control.

Please let me know if there is some way that I can serve you or your church. Again, if you’re interested in staying updated (and also receiving some freebies and giveaways!), you can sign up to receive once-in-a-while emails from me, here:





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