I asked a friend yesterday what she was planning for Valentine’s Day (I was fishing for ideas to steal), and she said (in essence), “Are you nuts? I don’t do Valentine’s Day.”
I had just come from another gathering of friends, and they gave similar responses to my question. Guess I’m on my own for ideas this year!
Now, I get that it’s tempting to ‘opt out’ of Valentine’s Day.
- You’re too busy.
- You didn’t plan ahead.
- You haven’t done anything for the past five years, and it would feel weird to change that.
- It’s too expensive.
- You don’t have any ideas.
- You don’t want to break the agreement you have with your husband not to do anything.
And yet, somebody’s celebrating. (I assume that’s why I couldn’t get a dinner reservation for Saturday night.) Somebody’s buying all the cards with red envelopes at Target. (I assume that’s why I couldn’t find a good one.)
Don’t we want our husbands and kids to know that somebody loves them, too?
I’m not guilting you, I promise! But the whole world knows it’s Valentine’s Day today. Isn’t it making more of a statement to not do something?
Now, don’t do anything crazy–like book flights to Paris. Do something simple. Use what you have in your house. Here’s what I came up with for this morning (since nobody gave me any good ideas yesterday!):
Muffins from the grocery store. Not a big deal, but they loved it, and felt loved. Freshly brewed coffee (which is my husband’s love language), and notes in lunches.
Also, instead of a card, I plan to send my husband a series of “to be continued…” emails. The first one will begin with,
My favorite romantic moment with you this year was….. to be continued. (Look for my next email in an hour)
What’s your plan today? C’mon. No opting out of Valentine’s Day.
Love the notes for your family. And great idea with the emails. I think I'll have to do that too. I'll also mention that I saved money by not buying a card. That will make his day! 😉
We just had a fun little tea party with heart paper plates and Little Debbie heart shaped cakes (and fruit so I didn't feel too guilty about all that processed junky sugar 😉 ). The kids loved it and I got to sit and relax for a bit with some tea (and of course 2 of those cake things. 🙂 )
Happy Valentine's Day!
Heidi, you make homeschooling sound like a delight! Have a blessed V-day with your loved ones.
Great post Shannon.
Joe and I have hardly celebrated
for years, but this year I've
noticed that people who don't
have anyone to celebrate with get
really sad. And life is short, I
don't want to look back on all
the valentines days I had and
wasted!!! So last week I
said “Joe, can we go out to
dinner for Valentines day?” So
we did. I got him a cheesy red
box of chocolates and a homemade
valentine and he got me flowers.
I dressed up and painted my
nails red and we had a great time.
Daily we should be telling our families how awesome they are!! People root for their favorite teams- put way too much into sports. I know these are my feelings, but, lets cheer on our home team, make special meals, tailgate, be cheerleaders every day-Encouragement is craved by Everyone!! Validation is Priceless. I love your heart Shannon. I made homemade red heart pancakes! Dad bought the girls each a rose! We also need not forget the one and only Lord! One year I made 10 pink hearts, and envelope from scratch, wrote 10 things I adored about my husband!! He still has this on his night stand!!! Happy Valentines Day Everyone! Choose to be different.
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deut. 6:5
Such a great comment. So true that we are our own ‘team’, and we need our own ‘cheerleaders’! 🙂 And thanks be to the Lord, who showed us how to love in the first place.
Hi April, i love this.,. Because hubby and i are opt – outers … But i do miss it.. What i dont miss is the consumerism related to the day. So im definately going to try your idea next year 😉
One thing thst I truly believe repaired my husbands relationship with me is the weekly texts of reflection to him on all the nice, thoughtful things he did for me. It forced to look for the good in him. I did this for a few months and now we are tighter than ever!! A simple msg can bond and heal 😉 ????
Sheli, that is so great!! Yes, boo on consumerism. You don’t have to spend $$ to say, “I love and appreciate you!” 🙂