Yesterday at Costco, my friend Holly called down the snack aisle, “Hey, Shannon!” I had secretly slid around two corners without her noticing, back when I spotted her in produce. But now, turning toward her sheepishly, I told her, “I said goodbye to all my pride when I came in here looking like this!”

I had stopped on the way home from the gym and my frizzy hair and sweaty clothes were quite a contrast to Holly’s cute little outfit and perfectly coiffed hair. But Holly laughed and assured me that I didn’t have to be presentable for her sake.

I read about a woman this morning who was said to be ‘clothed in dignity’. I think the writer meant that dignity is typical for her—the way a stained tee shirt and gym shorts are more typical for me than I’d like to admit. I’m pretty sure I’m not a picture of dignity when I holler at my kids or scarf down a bag of licorice, either.

I’ve always been wary of all the talk about self-respect. Just a hair too much self-respect and you’re at the tipping point to pride. But what about too little self-respect? Do Christians, striving for humility, have to concern themselves with this, too?

Well… yes. If the lady I was reading about in Proverbs 31 was clothed in dignity, it should be in my wardrobe, too. Dignity is the variety of self-respect that says, “I want to represent my Maker well.” Now, I’m not saying it’s a sin to run in Costco after my workout. But I am saying that my typical demeanor and attire should be dignified. After all, I represent the most majestic King that ever was.

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