I’m announcing the release of my new book, written with co-author Kate Motaung:
Influence: Building a Platform That Elevates Jesus (Not Me).
This book is especially written for speakers, writers, and ministry leaders. If you know someone who serves in one of those ways, would you consider sharing this post with them?
Influence Quiz
If you haven’t done so yet, I invite you to TAKE THE INFLUENCE QUIZ. This post is a follow up of the fourth question in the quiz:
As an influencer, I worry about the following:
- What if I am rejected?
- What if my audience criticizes or ignores me?
- What if people think I’m full of myself?
- What if I get caught up in success, rather than serving?
- Other:
Fearful Entry
My very first blog post went live about ten years ago. The following morning, I sent out an email to every single person I knew with a digital inbox, inviting them to visit my new blog, called, “Tiny Paragraphs {Within the One True Story of God}”.
And after sending that email, I felt sick felt sick all day long. I wanted to lock the front door, pull the shades, and unplug the phone. I groaned in agony every time I would picture another friend or family member opening their email. I could just see their puzzled expression. I could just hear them saying to themselves, “Shannon? A blog? What does she think she has to offer that hasn’t already been said?”
Gradually my writing segued to speaking, and the same “sickness” returned. Whenever I got back from speaking at a MOPS group or a small women’s tea, I would spend the next 24 to 48 hours, moaning in agony. I would pull the shades, sit on the couch, eat junk food, watch movies, and torture myself by recounting all of the embarrassing and foolish mistakes I had made. I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to cry. I felt agitated and irritable.
The Source of the Sickness
So what caused my “sickness”? What was causing all of these miserable symptoms? Fear of what people might think.
As the curtains have opened to the digital universe we’ve all now chosen to live in, I think the fear of what people might think has only been magnified. Do you agree?
Here’s how the fear works itself into my thoughts about social media: If I fling open the millions of windows that Twitter and Facebook and Instagram provide, am I not just giving people more access to see and criticize and misjudge me? What if they disagree with or challenge what I’ve said? Or what if they ignore me completely? (That might actually be even worse.)
Friend, here’s what I have to remember, each time I face a new writing, speaking, or social media opportunity: God has not given me a spirit of fear (I Tim. 1:7). If fear is causing me to stay quiet or alter my message, then I am being motivated by something other than God’s Spirit. But what sort of spirit or attitude is God-given? The spirit of love. Love for other people. Love like Jesus had when he died on the cross. And the spirit of self-control. The kind of self-control that provides staying power, and keeps me from running from opportunities. The kind of self-control that prevents me from spending entire days on the couch with the shades pulled, eating junk food and watching TV.
[bctt tweet=”If fear is causing me to stay quiet or alter my message, then I am being motivated by something other than God’s Spirit. #Christianinfluencebook” username=””]
If you’re “sick” with the fear of what people think, won’t you consider what God thinks? If he has given you a message to share with the world, don’t let fear hold you back. Step out onto the platform God has placed under your feet and shine!
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Continuing the Conversation
If you’d like to keep talking about this topic of platform-building as Christians, we hope you’ll consider our new book, Influence: Building a Platform That Elevates Jesus (Not Me) either to read on your own or with your writers/ speakers / leadership group.
Check out correlating resources and podcast interviews here.
Receive this 4-part Influence Blog series here.
Shannon You must be reading my mind
I have no self confidence !
Hi Ann, I think a lot of us feel that way. But we can be fearless, when we fill our hearts with what God thinks, not what people think. Praying for your fears just now.
I don’t comment often to articles but I felt a need to comment on yours today. I’ve been there! I know exactly what you’re saying! Yes, we do need to put out the message that God has laid on our hearts keeping the thought in mind that God is the One that brings the increase-not me. But I know all too well the feelings of wondering if my writings have touched anyone’s heart or was it all for nothing? We do well to post whatever is on our hearts and then release the outcome to God. But to be honest, we all need honest, sincere affirmation once in awhile to keep us moving forward. And so I want to thank you, Shannon, for inspiring me even though you don’t always know when you do:) and to encourage you to keep on putting God’s message out there… because we never know when or where or how it may change someone’s life. Thanks for posting on this subject! God bless!
Renita! What a sweet, kind note. You brought tears to my eyes. I need to do what you have just done way more often–to offer kind affirmation rather than just receiving and moving on. You’re a blessing! Thanks so much.
Also, so true about releasing the outcomes to God. That is one of the major themes in our new book, “Influence”. Sounds like you’re right in sync with us. 🙂
I am so encourage by these words today. I know God has given me a gift to write. My desire is specially to reach the Spanish world with the Gospel. I feel a very strong desire to share all that I have learned as a believer during the last 20 years,. Your new book and your messages are helping me to do what God is asking me to do. I need to remember 1 Timothy 4:12-13. So thank you for sharing your experiences with us. God bless you
Monica, I am so glad that God has stirred you to write and share what you have learned with others. This is not a natural desire, but a supernatural one! May He always be the one you exalt with your words!