Has Jesus asked you to give more than you have, today? Maybe you’re stressed out, overwhelmed or burned out, and you just don’t have enough to do what Jesus has assigned to you today. I

f that’s you, I’m glad you’re joining us for this episode, because we’re going to talk about a situation where Jesus’s disciples were feeling exactly like that. Jenn Hand is joining me to talk about Mark 6, and a story of Jesus multiplying what little the disciples had.

What would change if you live like this story is true?

Guest: Jennifer Hand

Bible Passage: Mark 6:30-44

FreebieLLIT Workbook 

Mentioned Resources:

Music: Cade Popkin Music 

Jennifer Hand

Jenn Hand is the Executive Director of Coming Alive Ministries. She’s an author, a speaker, and the host of the podcast “Coming Alive Conversations”. Jenn has a master’s degree in trauma counseling and she travels around the world, doing trauma debriefing in the wake of natural disasters.  Jenn loves to take you on her crazy adventures – inviting you to laugh with her and experience the love of Jesus, as you do. (Just wait till you hear her “Beans and Rice Story”!) 

Find more from Jenn:

The Feeding of the 5,000

The True Story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand is found in Mark 6:30-44. It’s an astonishing story of not having enough and Jesus multiplying what they did have to satisfy everyone. 

Share the Story  

Were you amazed by you amazed by Jenn’s story about—in her missions training, going through the Stories of Hope Workbook? I compared sharing these Bible stories, one at a time, with leaving “bread crumbs” for her friend—which lead to Jesus. 

 Would you be willing to share just one story (a bread crumb?) with a friend who doesn’t yet know Jesus?  Pray for His direction. 

Live the Story

How can we live like this story is true? Here are several ways:

  • Up until this point, the disciples were passively watching the miracles, but now Jesus is inviting them to participate! Is there a situation God has placed you in, where you don’t have enough? How is God inviting you to participate in a potential miracle? 
  • Jesus multiplied what they had. What little amount do you have? What is God asking you to place in his hands, knowing that He can multiply it if He wants? 
  • Do you feel embarrassed or inadequate about how little you have of something? Or how do you worry that you won’t have enough for someone else? How does Jenn’s beans and rice story inspire you to trust God? 
Free Workbook

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Live Like It's True


My FREE 20-page workbook includes:

True Story Worksheet

Bookmark With Study & Story Tools

False Narrative Watchlist 

& more! 

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