Hey, friends! I need your help.

I’m trying to compile an “Are you a Christmas Control Girl?” Quiz, so women can rank themselves.  (Here’s what I mean by “Control Girl“)

But here’s my dilemma. I know the ways that tend to be controlling at Christmas. For instance…

  • I am fussy about the Christmas tree: What kind we get, when it gets put up, and how it’s decorated. (I used to let the kids ‘help’, but the tree always looked bottom heavy, so I would sneak back in and balance everything out.)
  • I am picky about our “Christmas picture”. I have been known to make children go back out in subzero temperatures because I didn’t get a “good shot”.
  • I try to control the entire gift-giving process: What you put on your list. What you receive from whom. The order you open your gift, and your response when you open it.

I’m working on all of this, but these are the areas I particularly struggle to–as Elsa would say– “Let it Go”!

But I’m assuming there are other Control Girls who struggle in ways I don’t. So… can you help me? Fill in the blank: “You know you’re a Christmas Control Girl when you _______________.”

Thank you!!

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