It’s Yellow Ball Monday, and Fae has the ball:
I went down to get something out of the garage today. My son followed me in, but when I went back into the house, he stayed in the garage. I stood in the doorway calling, “Come on! Come with Mommy.” But he just stood there. I could have gone over and picked him up, but instead, I shut the door. He was on one side and I was on the other.
I didn’t go anywhere; I just stood there to listen. Sure enough, he started to fuss– no doubt, concluding that the garage wasn’t nearly as interesting when his mother was ‘gone’. I opened the door and didn’t even have to tell him to come; he immediately started toddling toward me, anxious for my presence.
In the moment that he started toddling toward me, it struck me that God has done the same thing in my life on occasion: He has shut the door on His presence so I would begin seeking after Him.
I’m learning in Andy Stanley’s The Grace of God, that it’s right to enjoy the frills and luxuries of this life because they are all gifts from God. The problems arise when I *forget* where these good things have come from. Because God is good ALL the time, sometimes, He shuts the door to His presence. He doesn’t go anywhere — after all, He promised He would never leave me or forsake me.
No, He stands on the other side of that door and He waits until I begin ‘fussing’ for His presence. And then He opens the door again and I go running — to HIM, the Author of my life, the Giver of all things good and the *only* reason I am even capable of enjoying anything good in the first place. ❤
Such a beautiful picture… Thanx Fae!