Introducing a FREE ebook, freshly released from Revive Our Hearts:

10 Truths to Set Leaders Free

Truth matters. It matters in our own lives, and it matters in the lives of our leaders. This book focuses on ten common lies that leaders believe, paired with the Truth that sets us free. I was delighted to contribute a chapter in this book, along with these other writers:

  • LIE #1: A leader must meet everyone’s needs and expectations. (Melissa Kruger)
  • LIE #2: I must be strong and always have it together. (Kristen Wetherell)
  • LIE #3: If I work hard serving the Lord, ministry will go smoothly. (Susan Hunt)
  • LIE #4: My leadership role makes me more valuable and important. (Shannon Popkin)
  • LIE #5: My ministry is more important to God than my marriage and family. (Erin Davis)
  • LIE #6: It won’t matter if I skip my personal time with God. (Kelly Needham)
  • LIE #7: I’m the only one who can do it. Ministry depends on me. (Leslie Bennett)
  • LIE #8: I’m responsible for changing people’s lives. (Linda Green)
  • LIE #9: My ministry is insignificant compared to leaders with larger platforms. (Paula Marsteller)
  • LIE #10: Ministry is so busy there’s no time to rest. (Judy Dunagan)

Whether you are a leader of a large women’s ministry at your church, or a small gathering of friends who study God’s Word, I’m so excited to share 10 Truths to Set Leaders Free with you! If you know another leader who might enjoy this book, will you pass this link on to her?

We are so excited to release this book and get it into the hands of leaders. May the Lord use this little book to expose lies and replace them with Truths in our churches and in our hearts.

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