What will Bible study look like for you this year? It will likely be different than last year. And not just for you; lots of women have schedules or circumstances, which are creating new dynamics:
  • Many school-age moms are homeschooling for the first time.
  • Some kids are home part of the time, so schedules will look different.
  • Many churches and Bible studies have moved to “online”.
  • Many women are working remotely, and have “Zoom fatigue”.
  • Many women are concerned about gathering in larger groups.
  • Many women have health risks and need to guard their exposure.
  • Many churches are offering fewer options for Bible study because their numbers are lower.

And even if things have stayed pretty constant for you, you’re affected by the world around you, which has changed dramatically—but here’s what can’t change. This is NOT the year to take a step back from Bible study. 

More than ever, you need to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word, and surrounding yourself with women who are doing the same. Instead of taking a step back, let me ask you. [bctt tweet=”Is God asking you to take a step forward, and lead a small group Bible study this year? Join me for a 3 week E Course called LEAD THAT SMALL GROUP.” username=””]

Stepping out as a new leader can be intimidating. Especially when you’re the one gathering a group. If God is stirring your heart to step out and lead, I’d love to invite you to my brand new E Course, called Lead That Small Group.

Sign Up Now!

This course is designed to help you put together a plan to gather your women, start strong and Lead well. Whether you’re just starting out as a small group leader, or still feeling “new”, this three-week course will help you overcome obstacles and gain confidence, as you step out to follow Jesus and lead that group.

There are two online class times, which each begin THIS WEEK:

  • Thursdays at 7 – 8:30 pm (beginning August 20)

  • Fridays at 1 – 2:30 pm (beginning August 21)

This will be a live, interactive course, and depending on the size of our group, there will be opportunities for breakout rooms to discuss and connect. 

Session 1: Gather Your Women.

We’ll make a plan for the who – what – where – when of gathering a purposeful group of women who want to put their roots down into the Truth of God’s Word. You’ll leave this session with a plan and a purpose, as you begin gathering the women who will form your group.

Session 2: Start Strong

We’ll talk through how to organize the calendar, ask for a commitment, and communicate the plan. You’ll leave this session a definition of success and a plan to start strong, as you anticipate your first sharing time around the circle, and then how to follow up afterward.

Session 3: Lead Well

We’ll talk about the most common challenges that small group leaders face, and you’ll identify which struggles you might be prone to as a leader. You’ll leave this session with strategies for avoiding pitfalls and leading your women well, even when things don’t go perfectly.

Questions? Please feel free to comment or leave me a direct message. I can’t wait to see what God will do, as you say yes, and step out to lead!

Sign Up for “Lead That Small Group”

I will refer to my new Bible study, Comparison Girl in this course, but you can choose whatever curriculum you’d like for your group!

Learn more at ComparisonGirl.com

Get the Comparison Girl Bonuses:

Get the Comparison Girl Bundle:


This post originally appeared on True Woman, a blog of Revive Our Hearts. 

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