When Courtney was in her early twenties, she was in a church membership class, where the gospel was being explained and she kept raising her hand, saying, “I chose God. I know; I was there…” Can you relate with the sense that you were the one who chose God? What if your story is actually one of God taking the initiative? And what if that was actually really good news?

I’m so grateful to have Courtney Doctor returning to the Live Like It’s True podcast for the Sarah Series, where we’re talking through the story of Sarah, found in Genesis 12-21. Today, the story opens with God selecting her little family of two and promising to make of them a great nation.

Listen on: Apple | Spotify | Other

Guest: Courtney Doctor

Bible Passage: Genesis 12:1-4

Freebie: Praying the Promises

Resound Media: 

Go to www.ResoundMedia.cc for more Gospel centered resources.

Mentioned Resources:

Music: Cade Popkin

book by Courtney Doctor
Courtney Doctor

Courtney is a wife and mom, author and Bible teacher, director of women’s initiatives at The Gospel Coalition. In her new book, From Garden to Glory: How Understanding God’s Story Changes Yours (on sale May 7, 2024), Courtney gives an overview of the Bible—from God’s creation to new creation and the role believers play.

Connect with Courtney:

Website: CourtneyDoctor.com

Instagram: @courtneydoctor

Shaped by God’s Promises

God’s promises are like a set of parentheses. The first one is when he makes the promise; the second is when he keeps it. You never have one without the other. But often there’s a much longer stretch between the two than we first imagined.

That’s what we see in Sarah’s story, found in Genesis 12-21. God promised a son, but in that wide stretch between the parentheses, she wondered: Would God keep his promises? Could he?

Come find the answer to those questions–both for Sarah and for yourself–in my new six-week Bible study, titled Shaped by God’s Promises: Lessons From Sarah on Fear and Faith. Find out how you too can be shaped by God’s promises in the waiting.

What Are You Waiting on God For?

Some of God’s promises are for now, and others are for later. So, how do you know which promises to cling to—especially when you’re in a long stretch of waiting on God?

My free “Pray God’s Promises” prayer guide, will help you pray the promises found directly in the Bible. It’s designed to help you sort out which promises are for here and now, and which ones are for later. Praying God’s promises found in your Bible is one of the ways God shapes you by his promises. Ready to get started?

More in the Sarah Series:

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False Narrative Watchlist!


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