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Bible Passage: Luke 1
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Music: Cade Popkin
Kristi Huseby
Kristi is an author and speaker, and works as the Director of Community Development at Reach Global, the international arm of the Evangelical Free Churches of America. She travels internationally, training and equipping, empowering women to be lead more effective in their own churches and communities, in the areas God has called them to serve.
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Key Takeaways
- Collectivist cultures view individual actions as reflective of the family.
- Mary’s unexpected pregnancy would have brought significant social stigma.
- The angel reveals that God’s favor and his challenges are not mutually exclusive.
- God often chooses the opposite of who we might expect to fulfill His purposes.
- The story of Mary encourages us to trust in God’s plan despite our doubts.
More Stand Alone Episodes:
Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction to Kristi Huseby and Her Mission
02:18 The Journey of Control: Personal Stories
04:41 Surrendering Control: A Turning Point
07:21 The Biblical Perspective on Control
10:20 Living Dangerously for God: The Call to Surrender
12:41 Mary’s Story: A Surprising Choice
14:55 Cultural Context: Mary’s Pregnancy and Its Challenges
16:41 The Significance of Mary’s Response
18:41 Living Like It’s True: Trusting God in Disruption
Episode Transcript
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(Kristi and I were passing the mic back and forth, so this transcript won’t be segmented by speaker. Sorry about that!)
Well, we’ve got Kristi Huesby, my dear friend, back with us here today to talk about this story of Mary.
Kristi is an author and a speaker. She’s the director of community development at Reach Global, the international arm of the evangelical free churches of America. She travels internationally teaching and equipping and empowering women to lead more effectively in their own churches and communities in the areas that God has called them to serve. So Kristi, welcome back to Live Like It’s True. It’s great to have you back.
Thank you. been, it’s good to be back. Well, our conversation last time was so interesting and thought provoking. You were talking about how in these different collectivist cultures where you get to go and travel all over the world and have probably a better perspective than we do, how most of the world sees shame and honor from a collectivist.
perspective, you know. We tend to think of ourselves far more individualistically. And so you’ll have to go back last time and listen to the story Jesus told, the story that Kristi told about the Messiah women and how they respond when a baby has a varnix, you know, when he’s born with the chalky or white cheesy substance all over its body. You know, the women have a lot of judgment for that. And
And so we were comparing that to how Mary is going to be facing a lot of false accusations, false judgment. Let’s talk a little bit more about shame, honor, cultures. And you said last time that it’s like as the midwives, they’re the ones who see.
the baby born with this varnax and they beat up the mother. she’s just given birth and she has no control over whether you know it just means that the baby is born early that’s really what that means and she has no control and yeah so talk a little bit more about this whole shame honor thing and how that would have played into this story that Mary’s experiencing. I think it’s hard for us as in this individualistic culture to really get the idea of of a
Shannon Popkin (02:29.93) this community culture that everything they do together. it’s very communal and it is and so when something happens, it’s not just you that it happened to. It then has implications in huge ways on the family and also the community. So they take ownership. It’s that
they now are identified with that. it’s actually, now they also are a part of this illegitimate baby that is gonna define their families now. And so it becomes a very isolating factor for people. Often they would…
put people out of communities because of this. And we see this in other countries where even women are killed because of that identity, that shame that they bring on a family. And the family owns that. Yeah, mean, Mary’s family owned this for the rest of her life, this illegitimate baby. And before we hit record, we were actually talking about this.
passage in John chapter 8 where Jesus is talking to the Pharisees and he’s saying you know if you were truly children of Abraham you wouldn’t be treating me this way and so they say to Jesus to Jesus we were not born of sexual immorality we have one father even God and so they’re saying to Jesus that it’s like it’s still he’s 30 years old and they still remember
that he was born illegitimately. They still see it. There are still rumors traveling. This has marked Mary for her entire life. It’s marked Jesus. It’s marked their community. Do you have any other examples of, you know, I mean, have you ever heard about in any of these countries where you’ve traveled a shame honor, an honor killing or some other way that someone has been?
Shannon Popkin (04:50.764) just cast out because of maybe something that they did do wrong or maybe just misconceived or maybe out of injustice? Yeah. Another practice that in many cultures, especially the Maasai practice, is FGM, which is female genital mutilation.
or otherwise known as female circumcision. And so it is so culturally acceptable and required that a young girl is to be circumcised that when a girl resists that, she is beaten, she is often thrown out or forced into that kind of thing. So
So there is this and if they leave and they choose not to it really puts a whole impact on the family. Again, it is it is she’s bringing shame and dishonor to her family, not just to herself. Okay, so you’re saying if she refuses circumcision, her family bears the brunt of that and like, why do they want that even in the first place?
Well, there’s all kinds of things behind that. There is what they say is an assumption that then they’ll be less promiscuous, but that is actually it has the opposite effect. There’s other things that are passed down as that they will never have children. will not get no, nobody will want to marry them. There’s just so many things. So again, choosing not, if you were to choose and
and some have run away. That’s basically all they can do. I’ve seen pictures and watched a video of a young girl being beaten because she did not want to be circumcised. And so they will force her or she will run away. And then that also then brings shame to the family. And then they don’t know
Shannon Popkin (07:15.934) then what, you know, they don’t think she’ll get married. They don’t think that she’ll have children. So there’s just, there’s a lot of complication to it. So much heartache, right? And, and brokenness, but yeah, I think it just gives us a little window into what Mary, her first thoughts are going to be when she finds out that she is going to become, wait, what pregnant? Let me just read these verses again.
The angel says to her, greetings, O favored one. And just the juxtaposition of favor and pregnant in the same, the same conversation. says, greetings, O favor one. And I’m reading from the ESV translation in Luke chapter one, verse 28, greetings, O favored one. The Lord is with you.
But she was greatly troubled at the same. She hasn’t even heard yet what he’s going to say, but she’s greatly troubled because this is an angel, you know, out of nowhere talking to her. And she’s trying to discern what sort of greeting this might be. the angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and you will call his name Jesus and he will be great. And he will be called the son of the most high and the Lord will give him.
give to him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end. I mean these are these are all hyperlinks to all of the promises for God’s people. He will be great he will be called the son of the most high he will be he’s gonna especially the throne of his father David like
This is the Davidic covenant, the Messiah, you know, this is progressive revelation and little by little they’ve learned more and more about who this Messiah is going to be and how he’s going to come and he’s going to save his people. so, wait, this is the one. These are all hyperlinks. This is the big moment, the big reveal. And this angel who stands in the presence of God has come to deliver this news to a
Shannon Popkin (09:24.27) 15 year old nobody girl – a girl! This is just crazy and and I mean When I think about this scene, I just picture the angels looking over from the mezzanine of heaven and watching this unfold I think we kind of were too familiar with the story to really get the great big surprise of how unexpected and how crazy This is how the angels would be responding
when they’re listening in to this news. OK, so there’s this story that I often tell to just kind of get us into the mind frame of how crazy this was. When I was in high school, my high school basketball team went to the playoffs. I think it was the state championship game. And so it was a big deal. Everybody went to the game. It was very exciting. the next day, I was at the game. The next day, I went to church and
Several different people said, you were really into that game last night, Shannon. And I was like, yeah, you know, I was there. And then again, at school on Monday, people were like, you’re the biggest fan, you know? And I’m like, what in the world? And so I went and watched the televised game. And there was the camera guy at the last second of the game. was neck and neck. We were tied. Our score was tied. And somebody shot.
free throw in the last second of the game it swooshes through the basket and We won in that last second and the club the crowd just went crazy you know everyone’s so excited and the the camera is panning the crowd and You know pans the crowd and then comes back and zooms in on one girl Everybody’s standing up. They’re shouting. They’re screaming and there’s this one girl who kind of has her chin
in her hand and she’s got this far off look in her eye. It was me. And I think I was picking out what I was going to wear the next day. I’ve never really been into sports that much. And I just was not as into the game as everybody else. And it was recorded on television. but I feel like that’s how a lot of us are looking in on this story of Christmas. we’re, we just don’t get what a big deal it is. You know, we’re just kind of like,
Shannon Popkin (11:47.49) Got our hand in our chin like, yeah, yeah, Christmas. Yeah, yeah, Merry, the angel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, we’re forgetting the overarching narrative. We’re forgetting what’s at stake. We’re forgetting that sin has brought corruption and that we have been shut out from our relationship with God. We’re forgetting death and hell and punishment and how we all need a savior. And this is the first time where it’s all coming together.
of how the Savior is going to enter this world. He’s going to come through the womb of a girl named Mary. So this is this huge culminating moment. Anything you’d add to that, Kristi? Yeah, I just think it’s astounding that in the big reveal, the big reveal, God comes to this young girl who is uneducated.
Like, she probably doesn’t even know how to read. she has very, if she has any kind of education, it’s very little. And God chose her. That is astounding. To put the Son of God in her womb.
to carry that baby and to be the mother of the Son of God. That’s astounding. And that’s so God’s backward kingdom way, you know? if it was us, there would be fanfare, you know, maybe he would descend from the clouds, which he will in the second coming, you know, there would be all eyes on him. It would be very obvious that this is the Son of God, but…
As it is, this is a very hidden way of our Messiah entering creation. And this is a very backward way. And Mary, I mean, she kind of shows us who she is in her response to the angels. She says, I mean, he’s just given all of these grandiose, know, he will sit on David’s throne forever.
Shannon Popkin (14:03.416) He will reign forever and of his kingdom there will be no end.” It’s like, know, the hallelujah chorus. And then Mary responds, how will this be since I’m a virgin? You you just see the contrast of this great big glorious news and little bitty Mary, you know, this young girl. And while, mean, yes, probably uneducated, I will add that.
the Hebrew way of edu- they did actually educate their children in the Word of God, which is the best way to educate them. And so she knew a lot about God. And you said last time, you know, she knows her God. She doesn’t not just know about him. The reason that she can have this glorious response is because she knows God. But let’s talk about the next part of the story where the angel is going to respond to her. I mean, Mary, she knows where babies come from and she’s asking a legitimate question.
She’s asking, can this be? Since I’m a virgin and the angel responds to her and he gives her, well, this is how it’s going to happen. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God. And this is how it was talking last time where this is the part that they knew a Messiah was coming. They knew a savior was coming.
and that he was going to be the righteous one and he was going to be born of a woman, they didn’t quite get that it was going to be God’s son. You know, this is the surprise of the story is that God’s own son is going to come as the Messiah and as the Savior. And he tells her how it’s going to happen. You’re going to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Would that freak you out, Kristi, as a teenage girl? Yes, I would be wondering.
I would be wondering what would this look like? How would this be? And you you see that in her response to him. It’s not like, I don’t think God can do this kind of question. It’s just an innocent question of asking how. How will this happen? Yeah, you contrasted, I think earlier, her response was Zechariah’s. I mean, they’re…
Shannon Popkin (16:21.13) Words are very similar. It’s the same angel, Gabriel, who comes to both of them. It’s just a little bit earlier in Luke chapter 1. He tells Zechariah that his wife is going to have a baby. And Zechariah has a similar question, but he asks it in a different way. So could you contrast those for us? Yeah. I believe that Zechariah asks it in a way of in… I need some proof. Yeah.
this really, how can really God do this? Because my wife is 80 years old or however old she is, can’t remember. you know, there’s this like, there’s a question of whether God is actually capable of doing it. And where Mary is saying, I just, don’t understand how it can happen. There is a difference in the way that they question.
Yeah, he questioned saying something like, how will this be? Like, I’m going to need some proof here. I’m going to need something in the way that he says that. Do you have the verse right there? He says, how can I be sure that this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years. So how can I be sure of this? Like, I’m going to make a fool of myself if I go out there and say we’re going to have a baby, and I’m going to need a little proof before I’m going to.
trust your words. And then the Gabriel’s response, look, I stand in the presence of the living God. I think I know what I’m talking about. And so, and his response to Mary is completely different because, because, and so that’s really how we know her beautiful faith is in play because he doesn’t have to correct her, but he gives her the information that she’s seeking. You know, she says, how, will this be since I’m a virgin? And he says, the Holy spirit will overshadow you. And then he gives her a little tidbit.
that I think, know, last time, Kristi, we talked about how this is going to be very isolating for Mary to be pregnant, to be engaged. And you’ll have to go back and listen to last time why we think it’s so the timing is so important that it would be not before her engagement, not after the wedding, but this very strategically planned time where she is engaged. But what
Shannon Popkin (18:46.05) What does the angel give her that’s going to be helpful for her in this isolating period? I think that the angel Gabriel throws her a lifeline when he says to her, tells her about Elizabeth, who is her relative, that she will be, she is pregnant and that she’s an old, she’s in her old age and yet she’s
and people didn’t think she could become pregnant, but she is pregnant. And she is, he gives really specific information. She’s six months along. He really reveals to her about this other person who is in the same similar circumstances as Mary. Yeah, actually at the very beginning of the story in verse 26, it says, in the sixth month,
The angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee named Nazareth. And so this story is tied to the earlier story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. The way that Luke is telling us, Luke, the author, is he’s comparing these two and he’s on the timeline. So it’s six months in to Elizabeth’s pregnancy. And of course, you know, they didn’t have telephones. They didn’t live in the same community. And it also tells us that
Elizabeth hid herself, I believe for the first fifth months and wouldn’t you, like, you know, you just wouldn’t even dare to hope or you wouldn’t want all the questions. And if this is going to end in some sort of miscarriage, you just don’t want to deal with it. you know, so, or maybe she just wanted to enjoy the beautiful unfolding of God’s providence in her life. And plus Zechariah can’t talk. I don’t know. There might be a lot of reasons why, you know, she’s hiding herself, but, but in the sixth month.
You know, I love that you pointed out Gabriel is giving her really specific, facts. You know, it’s your relative, her name’s Elizabeth and she’s old and she’s pregnant and she is six months along and she’s the one that they called barren. And so what he’s calling to mind is the next thing he’s going to say for nothing will be impossible with God. so he’s still answering Mary’s question of how.
Shannon Popkin (21:07.992) will this be since I’m a virgin? And he’s like, yep, it’s impossible. And yet with God, nothing is impossible. And so how is this part of the story really important for, you know, just for our faith? Like, how is it important that this little interaction with the angel, important, Kristi?
I believe it’s important because when the angel leaves, Mary is… I can’t help but wonder if she was sinning and wondering, like, wait a minute, that really happen? Or is it just something I ate that was bad? And then, you know, I mean, I just can imagine how alone she must have felt.
hearing that message, this amazing message, but then realizing the implications and who can she tell? Who can even validate that what she heard and what she saw really is true and has happened? And that’s when you realize that the message that Gabriel gives about Elizabeth
is that lifeline that she says, hey, this is how I can find out. This is how I can know that this is true. And you see it in her response because just a few days later, she gets on a donkey or however she goes and she goes to Elizabeth. There is a just this beautiful.
Shannon Popkin (23:01.006) thing about God that He’s giving her one of the biggest assignments that anybody could ever have and yet He is coming alongside her in such special and unique ways and giving her this beautiful relationship with Elizabeth who is older and wiser and understands
the same way that she understands because she’s in an odd place too as an older woman. One of my favorite books I have at Christmas time that I pull out and I always look at is a picture of Elizabeth pregnant. It is the most shocking because we understand that she’s old but this picture has her, she has a veil, a head covering and she’s got wrinkly hands and that grandmothery, you know, double chin, you know, all of that and she’s putting her arms around her belly. And you, it just, every time I see it, it takes my breath away because yes, that, she’s this grandmother with wrinkly skin giving birth to a baby. It’s shocking.
And yet that unites the hearts of these two women. And what a beautiful thing that God did that He didn’t ask her to walk this alone. He had someone for her. And that’s what God does for us as well. That’s so beautiful. I want to see that picture. But yeah, I mean, these words from the angel, they’re actually a direct quote from back in Genesis 18, where
the visitors come to visit Abraham and Sarah and tell them that one year from now you’re going to have a child. And Sarah scoffs, she laughs. She’s a little bit more Zechariah. She’s in the tent thinking like, yeah, how’s this going to be now that I’m old? She’s 89 years old after a lifetime of infertility. So it makes sense from a human perspective. And yet the visitor who we know is God, they don’t know yet that it’s God.
Shannon Popkin (25:22.402) The visitor says, is anything too difficult for the Lord? And another translation of it is, is anything too wonderful for the Lord? And so when we understand this is God’s son, I mean, is anything too wonderful for the Lord? And this is the angels re-quoting this to her for nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is too wonderful for God.
Again, looking at the overarching story, know, Chrissy, I just totally blew up at my husband last night. Like, totally blew it. And I mean, this used to be a regular occurrence in our home, where I’ve written the book Control Girl. And you can imagine, you can read that book and hear what some of those horrible stories actually looked like and personal. But like, last night, I was just so devastated with how sinful I was again.
and just so broken before the Lord. Like, I can’t believe I’m not past this, you know? I can’t believe, here I am, like, you know, hosting a podcast, writing a Christian book, and here I am falling back into the same sin. I need a Savior. I need a Savior. And against the backdrop of my sin, we have this story, right?
in your sin and every horrific thing that any of us has ever done, I don’t care what you’ve done. You might be a murderer. You might be an adulteress. You might be someone who has stolen, has lied. Your life has negatively influenced other people in horrific ways. And yet, against the backdrop, against the horrors of your sin, we have this story where an angel is saying, is anything too wonderful for God?
And the answer is no, nothing is too wonderful for the Lord. yet, it feels impossible, right? For Mary, looking at this news from the angel, it feels impossible. And I love the fact that you brought the humanness of the story. There are all these pictures of Mary with halos above her head. she’s thought of as a saint and she’s just a
Shannon Popkin (27:42.902) normal teenage girl. That’s why she says to the angel, you know, this is how will this be since I’m a virgin? this is a very human teenage girl, small little response. You know, this is not the glorious thing we’ve no, she’s just a normal kid, right? That God is involving in this story. And yet nothing is is nothing is too wonderful for God in terms of a savior.
And in terms of who he’ll use in this story of the Savior saving his church in the world. And that is for you and me too. know, we’re like Elizabeth, we’re like Mary, we’re just simple women, right, Kristi? That God is, we’re sinful women. You you told your story last time about being a controlling woman in your marriage and how, you know,
anybody looking into our looking through our windows and those horrible moments like last night for me, you make in the bed with your husband and those angry, harsh, controlling, critical words. Anybody looking into our lives would be like, well, she’s just disqualified herself. You know, it’s not that Mary was perfect. Mary calls Jesus her savior in the Magnificat. I think that’s very significant. She calls. Why should it be that my Lord, my savior?
Elizabeth says, why should it be that the mother of my Lord should come to me? And Mary in her song calls him her savior. And so these are two very sinful women, just like you and me. It doesn’t matter how greatly you’ve sinned or whether you’re a big sinner or a little sinner, you’re still a sinner. You still have sinned so badly that there needs to be a savior to die in your place. And God involves us in
his story of saving the world. as he does that, I mean, this requires a lot of us, you know? Tell us about maybe one of the scariest parts of you going out into the world and being part of God’s mission to go to these other cultures, right? To be used by God. What’s a scary, daring thing that you have done? You you wrote the book, She Who Dares.
Shannon Popkin (30:06.626) What’s your dare girl story?
Shannon Popkin (30:11.326) I think that sometimes the daring for each of us looks different and it doesn’t necessarily, like I said, mean going to Africa. I think the scariest thing for me was saying yes to God and choosing to
allow to follow what He was calling me to do, to leave what was comfortable, to leave a very good, fulfilling job, to step out in faith and become a missionary where I depend on others to support what I’m doing and that I have to trust the Lord to provide.
for everything that I need. that was scary. There were times when I would say, Lord, I feel like I’ve walked out onto the edge of this limb on a tree and I can hear sawing going on. Are you gonna let me fall? Like, are you?
you know, and I had to just say, I trust you. And as God built that trust in me, then stepping into situations overseas, when I’m going to Indonesia and I don’t have anybody who’s going to meet me there, I am
gonna try and get a taxi to a hotel and then there will be people to meet me and I’m thinking I’ve never been here I do not know but okay Lord I am trusting you and then God provides a man calls and says hey we will be picking you up at the airport and we will be taking you to the hotel and you know those kinds of things
Shannon Popkin (32:30.622) as He builds our faith and our trust and as we let go, the stronger we get. And I think that is just what we were talking about with that upside down kingdom, is that when we surrender, there is actually strength in the surrender. There’s power in the surrender. know, there’s that opposite kingdom where
we’re saying, no, the strength and the power comes from me clinging on so hard, but it really is in the letting go. And that is how God works. And it is so often contrary to everything around us. so I think as I look at the life of Mary, know, her life, God asked her to walk this difficult road.
But He said, I will be there. I will be your Savior. I will walk with you. I will carry you. And later on, you see how she takes all those little treasures that she sees how God has worked and how He’s, and she holds them in her heart. That’s how I feel.
when I travel around. I hold these treasures of God’s faithfulness in my heart as well. That’s beautiful. Yeah, it says several times of Mary that she treasured up all of these things in her heart and she’s looking at the supernatural that’s happening. And I wonder if this conversation with the angel is something she treasured up. I mean, this was supernatural.
an angel who stands in the presence of God has come to visit her. And I’m sure she went over and over these words of the angel. You know, I mean, how do we have this story? Nobody else was there. I think Luke probably interviewed her, right? And there were stories, I’m sure, hushed stories about Mary’s encounter with the angel. So I’m sure she shared it, or maybe she just started sharing it after Jesus died, who knows.
Shannon Popkin (34:43.276) But one of the things the angel said to her was, greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you. That’s one of our greatest promises. Jesus said, I will be with you even to the end of the age. I will be with you. so, Kristi, as you’re traveling to other countries and don’t know where, how you’re going to get from point A to point B, I will be with you.
And, you know, Mary, I’m sure she felt like she was on the end of that limb and she could hear the song, that mental image. so it’s like, it’s both. And it’s like, yes, there’s the spiritual and the supernatural of I will be with you and God is doing something that you can’t do. And as you surrender control, he’s filling your, you know, you open your hand in surrender. He’s filling your life with his power to do is anything too wonderful for God sort of things, but also.
The human anchoring, like you just said, the story of Elizabeth, this is tangible evidence that she’s not just making this all up in her head. You know, she’s given Mary someone she knows in her life that she can go visit. She can walk through that door. And I mean, we don’t have time to unpack that part of the story. We’ll have to do another episode on that one. like when Elizabeth says, greetings, favored one, she already knows Mary’s pregnant and she knows it’s a good thing.
She says, favored one. She knows it’s a good thing. She knows that God’s favor has somehow supernaturally, she knows these things. But I just want to back up in closing and look at this story and how these tangible evidences are written down for the ages, for the people who have lived 1,000 years before us and who
unless the Lord returns, will live a thousand years after us, can return to this story and the tangible evidence. Like we talked last time, even the strategic timing of this pregnancy, if Mary was already married when she became pregnant and she’s saying, yeah, I was overshadowed by the power of the Most High and this baby is, people will be like, yeah.
Shannon Popkin (37:00.482) Aren’t you married to Joseph? Right. And if the, if the baby had come before she was even engaged, everybody would doubt her character, but because she’s engaged and Joseph didn’t divorce her and he stood by her. I mean, she is a woman of everybody knows her and my goodness, all the doubts that were planted. yet we can look in on this story and be sure that this woman.
was overshadowed by the power of the Most High and that this child, this was not a baby born in a natural way, this was God’s son. So that’s our evidence, that’s our tangible proof in the way that this story unfolds. And then we also have the evidence of the empty tomb. know, God has given us, he doesn’t ask us to have just blind faith, he’s given us tangible evidences, but he also asks of each of us,
just as he asked of Mary to surrender, surrender control of our lives. let’s in closing, let’s just talk about how Mary responds. You know, the angel shows up out of nowhere. You’re going to become pregnant. How? The power of the most high will overshadow you. This will be the son of God. Nothing will be impossible. And Mary said to the angel, verse 38, behold, I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word.
I mean, the beautiful surrender. That’s why I loved this story, including this at the end of Control Girl, because this is the epitome of a not control girl. This is a Jesus girl who is saying, just as Jesus will one day say, not my will, but yours be done. You know, we hear that in Mary’s words. So how can we live like this is true? How can we live like it’s true that God first of all asks us to surrender and do daring things?
but that this is a good thing.
Shannon Popkin (39:06.548) Yeah, let me give it to you and then you close with how, know, so Katie, can you cut this part out and just go back to before I asked the how can we live like it’s true. Kristy, anything else to add there? I was just thinking as you were talking, what if Mary had said no? What if she’d said, no, I can’t do this. I take a pass. What would she have missed?
She would have missed holding the Son of God, breastfeeding the Son of God. She would have missed all those treasures, all those things that God had for her, even in the difficult road that He called her to walk. And as I reflect on this story, there are times when God asks us,
to walk difficult roads. He asks us to surrender, but we can’t surrender for holding on. Like, can’t, we have no space for what he wants to give us because we’ve closed our hand and are gripping so hard on what we want. And he calls us to let go and surrender, just like Mary did, so that she could receive the beautiful things he had for her in the midst of a very
difficult journey and what she experienced, what she lived, was truly a gift from God and we are the recipients of that.
Yeah, that baby that she held, that was our Savior. And so, man, as I’m just reflecting on this story, I want to live like it’s true. I want to live like it’s true that God does ask me to surrender control to Him. He asks me to step into difficult situations. He asked it of Mary. He’s asked it of you, Kristi, you know, to let go of a very comfortable life and to step into the daring unknown. And He’s asking it of me too, day by day.
Shannon Popkin (41:17.982) And yet I want to be a woman who like Mary says I’m the Lord’s servant Let it be to me as you have said you be the one who’s in control You I’m gonna open my hand and you take whatever you need to take You put into my hand whatever you need to put into my hand and you be glorified you be the most high That’s what this I just love the verse where the angel says he will be great not we will be great
He will be great. That’s what this story is all about. It’s surrendering to a savior and he will be great. So Kristi, thank you so much for being with me today. It’s been really great to be here and to talk about this story. It’s one of my favorite. I want for you to go find Kristi’s new book, She Who Dares. You can find it at Amazon. I’ll put a link in our show notes.
written by Kristi Huseby. She’s got different stories of women in the Bible who had to dare do something that was uncomfortable, leave behind the mediocre, complacent, comfortable life and go do something super uncomfortable and yet how God used that. And then she’s also got these, you know, she’s traveled the world and she’s got all these really amazing stories of women all over the world who have done daring things as well. So think you’re really be blessed by that.
Thanks for joining us and now it’s time to go live like it’s true.