For Market Day in third grade, Cade will be selling Lego capes made from duct tape! Check these guys out:

We made lots of two toned, reversible capes. We used a some of our friend’s duct tape collection (thanks, Caroline!) and made some fun girl capes, too. 

I got this idea on Pinterest, then tweaked it a little. See the red and gold capes here? They have pointy edges, like Batman.

 The purple cape swoops up on the sides, and the pink one has scallops.

Ok, time for true confessions. While Cade likes these capes, and can’t wait to have them to play with after Market Day (we’re using all of his caped lego guys as ‘models’), I don’t think he was quite as excited as I was about them. He kept wandering off to jump on the trampoline as I tried out new color combinations and dressed up his legos in them. 
When he came back, he would say, “Mom! I can’t believe you’re still playing with legos! You never played this long before!” And it’s true. Usually, the whole time I’m playing legos, I’m thinking of the laundry that needs folding or the preparations for dinner. 
But this was different. I was making something that my son (and other kids, hopefully) will love. And I got to be creative. I wonder if this is how God felt when he created magnetic fields and cotton and sound waves. Did he delight in his work, thinking, “The kids are going to have so much fun with these! Just wait till they see what they see what they can do with all the variables!”? 
People were made in God’s image; we are like Him in ways that the rest of creation isn’t–and creativity is one of those ways. Animals are content to follow their instincts. Squirrels don’t say, “I’m sick of climbing trees; let’s try swimming today!” And birds don’t say, “Let’s change it up and fly south in the summer this time.” 
The next time you get to use your creativity to make something, especially if it’s something that someone else will enjoy, thank God that he made you like Him–creative.

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