The road ahead of us was completely dark, illuminated only by our headlights. “Well, I’ll try and get a few hours of sleep and then, go in to work tomorrow, I guess,” he said, staring straight ahead.

But I looked directly at him, my chin quivering. “You’re going to work?!” I asked incredulously. “I’m having our baby and you’re going to work??”

That was fourteen years ago, today. I had labored about eight hours, and since I wasn’t progressing, the hospital sent us home. “This could go on for days,” the doctor said, which is what prompted my husband to think about going to work. He couldn’t be taking days off before the baby was born!

But I was thinking that if this went on for days, I wouldn’t make it. I was in pain!! And now my husband was going to desert me in my time of need? How had it come to this?

But my mom straightened everything out. I called to update her when we got home, and she said to pass the phone to Ken. She told him, “No, you are not going to work. You’re going to bring her to the doctor first thing in the morning. When you get there, you’re going to tell him it’s time to induce her!”

And so, sometime after midnight on the following night, when our sweet little Lindsay arrived, both of her parents were there to greet her.

Our almost-thirteen-year old gets to laugh with us when we tell this story now. But I assure you, on that trip home from the hospital, it wasn’t funny.

Sometimes, you just need to hear the strong voice of someone who loves you, saying, “No! Do this!” It can be your mother-in-law. Or your spouse. Or your friend. Or sometimes the voice isn’t audible–you hear it as you turn the pages of Scripture. When you hear the voice of wisdom, LISTEN!

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