When considering movies, we teach our kids to ask: Does this movie celebrate God’s good intention for his creation? Or does it celebrate the Fall?

Hunger Games is tricky. It portrays a void of God’s good intentions–a world where merrymaking crowds are entertained by the live brutality of children killing each other. But by making this utterly distasteful to us, the movie celebrates good by condemning evil. We cheer for those who don’t kill, and we sneer at those who do. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 
Here are some of the messages in the movie that I think align well with Scripture:
  • Life is precious.  This is what I whispered to my son, beside me, during the scene where Katniss commemorates little Rue’s life with a bed of flowers. At no point in the movie did I feel glad to see someone die. Even when Cato (the vicious boy who had arrogantly stalked them) died, I felt remorse and compassion for him. 
  • Death is horrible.  Every single death on screen made me cringe and want to turn my face. This is in contrast to the (approximately) 400 deaths that I witnessed during the movie previews, caused by swords, explosions, car crashes, monsters, and vampire fangs. These deaths were each intended to entertain me and tempt me to come spend another $9.50 so that I could re-watch them in context. No thanks.
  • Families should be loyal. I can’t remember the last time I saw an onscreen teenager who actually conversed with a sibling without rolling her eyes. We expect teens to be self absorbed, weak willed, and at the very least, cavalier about family relationships. But sixteen-year-old Katniss comforts and supports her younger sister, and even puts her life on the line to spare Prim from certain death. The Bible says that a brother is born for adversity. 
  • We should protect the weak. From the time my boys were babies, I have told them, “Do you know why God gave you those big, strong hands? To protect others!” This is so biblical, and it’s all throughout the Hunger Games. Katniss puts herself at risk to protect and provide for Prim, Rue, and Peeta. Her skill is impressive, but what makes us love her more is her humility–considering others more important than herself. Like in the Bible, Katniss’s willingness to lay her life down is what makes her great.
Next time, I’ll post on what I found disturbing about Hunger Games. But what other redeeming qualities did you find in the movie?

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