4″x 4″ Framed Watercolor


“Return to the Tree of Life” watercolor by Cheyenne Warner. This painting tells the story of Genesis 1-3, which we’ve been discussing on season 4 of the Live Like It’s True Podcast. Cheyenne and I hope this painting will remind you of the True Story of the Beginning, and inspire you to live like it’s true!  


4″ by 4″ framed watercolor print.
My friend Cheyenne Werner created this painting to correlate with season 4 of the  Live Like It’s True Podcast,
– where we’ve been talking about the True Story of the Beginning in Genesis 1-3.
When Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they sided with the serpent and betrayed their good God. Their sin cost them everything—including access back into the Garden and to the tree of life (see the path leading away from the tree on the left?). Still today, every descendent born to them enters this world, destined to die.
But God, who is rich in mercy and steadfast love, kept his promise and sent the seed of the woman—Jesus—to crush the serpent and redeem what was lost, by dying on Calvary’s tree.
Christ alone carves a new path back to God, and back to the Tree of Life (see the path from the cross, leading back to the tree on the right?). If you and I are In Christ, we’ll eat from this tree and live forever in the New Creation.
Cheyenne and I hope this painting will remind you of the True Story of the Beginning, and inspire you to live like it’s true!  
Follow artist Cheyenne Werner on Instagram @designedbychey or Etsy at DesignedbyCheyShop.

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