I do have one game. Christmas Bingo is ready to go for Cade’s second grade class. (The link takes you to the printable game, created by yours truly.) But I’ll bet there are some better games out there. And in my opinion, a party hinges on the games.
So, while you gradeschool moms are in the throws of classroom Christmas party-ing, can you send your great game ideas (either your own or one you’ve seen) to me?
Please give some simple instructions for your game, tell what grade levels it would work for, and let me know why kids dig it. I’ll post the one that I think is best, and if it’s yours I’ll send a Christmas present from ME to YOU in the mail!
Also, if you post my plea for great games on your blog or facebook page, and you send the winner my way, YOU get a present, too! (Tell your friends to mention your name.)
Send your ideas to: shanpopkin@gmail.com. Please get them to me by midnight of Wednesday, 12/21. I’ll post the winner on Thursday, 12/22.
In the meantime, Cade’s second grade class will be playing Christmas Bingo. But, next year…
I interviewed my third grader for this one. Her favorite games were Marshmallow Race (same concept as the egg in the spoon race except with a marshmallow) and Snowman. Snowman has 2 people per team–they get a carrot, a hat, and a roll of toilet paper. One person puts the carrot in his/her mouth and wears the hat, and the other team member wraps the “snowman” in the toilet paper as fast as possible. The team with the neatest snowman when time is called wins. 🙂
In my classroom, we always play a reindeer game. You will need for each child a styrofoam bowl, piece of ribbon or yarn, a red, medium pompon ball, and paper antlers. The kids can make the antlers and glue them on to each side of a bowl. The bowl is right-side up just as if you were going to fill it. Next poke 2 holes in the bottom of the outside edge of the bowl next to the place where you glued the antlers. String the yarn through the two holes. Place the bowl on your head, still face up, and tie the string around your chin. Using the nose, or the red pompon ball, try to throw it in the air and catch it in your bowl hat.
I have never organized a party for that age children. Let me know when you get to 4th grade I'll help you out. Have fun!
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I'm assuming anonymous is Kim. 🙂
Sheila, all grade level games are welcome. I'll bet you have some good ones! 🙂
Anonymous is Kim. I didn't know how to do it another way yet.
I used Bop it for the Kindergarten classroom party. While it's fun, it was hard to hear. So they played a mean game of Candyland instead.
We got the RoXzai and love it. It's THE game we will be playing over the Christmas vacation. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/buckhowdy/addicting-game-of-balance-and-strategy-art-and-phy
It sorta helps that we met and think the world of Buck Howdy. 🙂
The other game my boys LOVE is Uno. Monopoly is a favorite but the parts are sooooo small.