Start with the Quiz

Have you taken the quiz? If  not, I invite you to start there. and come back.

For those who have taken the quiz, now what?

Of course, I want to encourage you to read my book, Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Biblewhere I engage a full discussion on the topic of control, by studying seven Control Girls in the Bible.

But for now, let’s talk through these Quiz Questions, one by one. (You can receive this series in your inbox, weekly, by signing up here.) Or, if you want to jump around and read various posts in the series, that’s fine, too!

My hope, as you think through the various aspects of control, is that you’ll be enticed to the path of sweet surrender instead of control. For it’s only in surrender that we find peace, hope, and security–the treasures that our hearts are craving, when we lunge for control.

Thanks so much for reading this series! How about sharing it with a friend or two? Have them TAKE THE QUIZ!

Or if you’d like to receive this series by email: SIGN UP HERE.

Have questions? Feel free to send me a note, using the contact form below.

Control Girl to Jesus Girl

Have you checked out the “Control Girl to Jesus Girl” Series? Come learn from other women who are on the path from Control Girl to Jesus Girl. Learn from their mistakes and take hope from the future they are embarking on!

Tired of trying to

control it all?

 Free bonuses to help you

find peace, security, and joy as you

surrender control to God.


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