He Caught it From Me
I was lying in bed with the flu. You know those times when you’re overcome with pain and discomfort and you’re just not sure you can soldier on? This was one of those moments for me. I was that sick.

In the middle of my flu fog, I suddenly heard a little voice beside me chirp, “Oh, Lord! Please help me make it. Please give me strength. It’s too much, Father….”

My three-year-old son’s prayer startled me. I had been so distraught with my own pain, I forgot that he had climbed in bed beside me. Apparently he had listened to my groaned prayers and was now mimicking them–which sounded pretty funny and dramatic coming from his healthy, little voice.

Ordinarily, this would have caused me to double over in laughter, but I had to run to the bathroom and double over there, instead.

When I’m in a pain fog, I have my kids’ attention whether I realize it or not. Their eyes and ears pick up my posture and attitude before God (especially when its the sort of pain that lasts longer than a 3-day virus). Am I angry and terse? Do I blame God, or see Him as distant and removed? Or do I trust Him, and know that He is for me? Do I call out to Him, and remind Him of His promises to me in moments of pain and stress?

Our calls to God are our “speakerphone”, even when they’re not spoken out loud. Our kids catch more than the flu from us; they catch our heart attitude toward God. Thankfully, that day my son climbed into bed, he caught the right sort of attitude. Other times, though, he has caught my negative, calloused, sinful reactions.

Are you in a pain-fog today, caused by–

  • sickness or disease?
  • disability?
  • caring for an aging loved one?
  • financial strain?
  • turbulent parenting?

If so, what attitudes toward God are your kids, or other people, picking up from you? Remember, that when you fight back against fear and discouragement with truth, you are not only fighting for yourself; you’re fighting for the people who are influenced by you, too. The Lord is near! He is leaning in close to hear your prayers! He cares for you. As you draw near to God, you pull your loved ones in closer to Him, too.

This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him,

and saved him out of all his troubles. 

The angel of the Lord encamps

around those who fear him, and delivers them.

Psalm 34:6-7


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