Does the pain of loss ever go away? Is there hope for wholeness and healing, after a lifetime of hurt?

We experience loss differently when we know the full story. Like when you go the funeral of someone you know and love, rather than a stranger. We have a fuller understanding of what has been broken. And we have a deeper longing for resolution.

In  this last episode on The True Story of the Beginning series, we’re going to turn our attention to the end of the story. That part we’re still longing for, which we get a glimpse of in Revelation—the book that comes at the very end of our Bibles.

I’m so delighted to have Nancy Guthrie back to talk with me about Genesis 1-3 and Revelation 21-22.

You’ll remember that Nancy was with us in our first episode of this series, where we talked about Eden’s FallNancy Guthrie is an author, speaker and Bible teacher with the Gospel Coalition. What I love about Nancy is her grasp of the whole story of the Bible. She has such a brilliant understanding of how the pieces fit together. This conversation is such a gift.

Guest: Nancy Guthrie

Bible Passage: Genesis 1-3, Revelation 21-22

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Music: Cade Popkin Music 

Nancy Guthrie Shannon Popkin

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie
teaches the Bible at her her church and at conferences around the country and the world—including her Biblical Theology Workshop for Women. She is the author of numerous books, including our recommended recourse, Even Better Than Eden. Nancy hosts the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast at The Gospel Coalition. She and her husband host Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child and are co-hosts of the GriefShare video series.

The New Creation Begins Now

The new creation has begun in me. I have thought of that over and over since Nancy said it. Am I going to live out the story of the fall and corruption of sin? Am I going to continue plucking forbidden fruit and perpetuating the consequences? Or am I going to live like it’s true that the new creation, where Jesus is making all things new, is happening inside of me?

Thank you for joining me for this True Story of the Beginning series. I hope this has been helpful to you. Remember that God didn’t give you a sermon or list of facts or instructions to help you understand who you are and what your purpose is; he gave you a story. It’s like a velvet pouch of gems, that helps you hold the truth together. You can take out the gems anytime you like and examine their beauty, just by remembering the story.

So will you hold it close? Will you live out of this story and use it to correct the false narratives of the world? Will you live like it’s true?


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